Thursday 5 May 2011

I'm not very good at this...

But that's partly why I'm doing it. Sharing isn't my strong point, in fact other people in general terrify me - but I'm supposed to be trying to get over that. So I'm going online to talk about it, must be mad but there you are.

In which case I think that the best thing to do is to list the things which scare me most, once they're out in the open what else is there to fear?

So working in reverse order, just to build the suspense, I give you -

5. Writing: I hate writing and suffer from terrible writers block. This explains why this is my fourth blog, hopefully this will last slightly longer than the others.

4. Heights: I hate heights, I'm generally quite good at pretending that I don't though so you probably wouldn't know it if you know me. I went up the leaning tower of Pisa but refused to go on the lowest side once I got to the top. I have an overactive imagination.

3. Waking up after nights out: I come out with the most ridiculous things when drunk and always remember EVERYTHING. This is not a good thing and leads to much over analysing whilst lying in bed feeling rubbish the next morning.

2. Exercise: I like ballet and that's pretty much it. Running is out because I have weird knees (that's official advice from the medical profession) and team sports are excluded by point 1. I have tried Yoga but there was too much breathing and not enough stretching, I need something that challenges me to think rather than just getting my heart rate up. All suggestions are very welcome!

1. Other people: as mentioned above, they confuse me and involve much second guessing. As a consequence I'd rather just avoid too much interaction with people that scare me (anyone more important than I am, I can mostly cope with anyone else). I'm trying to be better but it's hard and involves many deep breathes and occasional hours spent hiding under my desk. I'm getting better though, honest!

So that's pretty much me, I suppose it's worth starting with. I have a job at the minute but it'll finish in the next few months so I'm trying to find something else. Otherwise my life is pretty dull, I'm single, in my mid-twenties, and trying to sort my life out while most of my friends get married and start to have babies. So pretty hopeless really. I just want a really long holiday with a job to go to at the end of it. Not much to ask, surely?

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