Monday 15 August 2011

General tiredness

I am tired, but not as tired as General tiredness. He knows how to spread it around though. I'm considering going to bed at nine o'clock, which is kind of ridiculous but may actually mean that I feel awake and almost capable of functioning. In other news I still need a job, I don't have time to write applications for jobs, I don't have time to do this but I can't be bothered right now, I've worked for the last fourteen days straight and probably deserve a night off, right?

I also have rakimelo, so you know, that works too. I have cool raki cups to go with it, fire and water, best idea ever. This may explain why I have the worst skin ever right now, along with the chocolate. It's trying to rain outside, which is very mean of it. I was hoping that this good weather might hold out until the weekend at least, or the first of September when I'm actually allowed to stop working. Blah, see you on the flip side.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Towards a spirit of writing stuff

Someone once told me that the best way to start writing is to just write a little each day. So this is my little. I'm right in the middle of writing a last minute application right now (as per usual) so I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time at work. My plan for tomorrow consists of going swimming, going to work and then sleeping. One day I shall have a different job and may actually have time to do things outside work - this is probably wishful thinking. Anyways, that's where I'm at right now. Don't you just love the summer?